Gaia-X Hub Slovenia

A Federated Secure Data Infrastructure

How to join

Gaia-X Hub Slovenia news

What is Gaia-X?

Gaia-X represents the next generation of data infrastructure: an open, transparent and secure digital ecosystem, where data and services can be made available, collated and shared in an environment of trust.

How does Gaia-X work?

The architecture of Gaia-X is based on the principle of decentralisation. Gaia-X is the result of a multitude of individual platforms that all follow a common standard – the Gaia-X standard. Together, we are developing a data infrastructure based on the values of openness, transparency, and trust. So, what emerges is not a cloud, but a networked system that links many cloud services providers together.

Find out more

Why Gaia-X Hub Slovenia?

Gaia-X Hub Slovenia is the central contact point for Slovenian companies, stakeholders, initiatives, associations, and public sector bodies contributing to the Gaia-X project. It acts as the voice of the Slovenian user ecosystem in close exchanges with the international Gaia-X Hubs community and Gaia-X AISBL.

How is Gaia-X Hub Slovenia organised?

Gaia-X Hub Slovenia is coordinated by the Association of Informatics and Telecommunications of Slovenia and supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. Core activities are performed by Domain Working Groups, which provide position papers, use cases and requirements to shape an innovation-friendly Gaia-X ecosystem

Who can join Gaia-X Hub Slovenia?

The membership is open free of charge for all companies and organisations that are willing to actively contribute to the work of Domain Working Groups, especially in providing use-cases and requirements.

Domain Working Groups

Contribute to the work of Domain Working Groups.



Domain Working Group, Health


Domain Working Group, Industry


Domain Working Group, SmartCities


Domain Working Group,Agriculture

Green and Circular Economy

Domain Working Group

I am interested in another domain

Domain Working Group



Would you like to participate in the GAIA-X project? Please fill in the contact form.