
Digital transformation in healthcare is one of the top priorities in Slovenia. Topics such as unified electronic health record​, national telemedicine framework​ and secondary use of data are important to support this process. Those topics are clearly interlinked, and an unified approach through the definition and implementation of a common Health Data Space using Gaia-X infrastructural framework has the potential to unlock the power of health data. To boost research and innovation in the healthcare sector, health data needs to be readily-available from different sources to combine and process it, whilst meeting the highest standards of privacy and security.


The working group will identify and explore key use cases, best practices and requirements that would support the implementation of an ambitious national eHealth strategy by aligning with different initiatives, like the proposal for a common European Health Data Space and introduction of the Gaia-X standards and infrastructure. 

Smart Cities

Digital transformation in healthcare is one of the top priorities in Slovenia. Topics such as unified electronic health record​, national telemedicine framework​ and secondary use of data are important to support this process. Those topics are clearly interlinked, and an unified approach through the definition and implementation of a common Health Data Space using Gaia-X infrastructural framework has the potential to unlock the power of health data. To boost research and innovation in the healthcare sector, health data needs to be readily-available from different sources to combine and process it, whilst meeting the highest standards of privacy and security.


The working group will identify and explore key use cases, best practices and requirements that would support the implementation of an ambitious national eHealth strategy by aligning with different initiatives, like the proposal for a common European Health Data Space and introduction of the Gaia-X standards and infrastructure. 

  • 15.11.2023 0 Comments
    EU vzpostavlja podatkovne prostore za pametne skupnosti - 15 mil EUR za medsektorske pilotne projekte

    Ljubljana, 15. november 2023 - Evropske lokalne skupnosti in podjetja so vabljeni, da se pridružijo projektu za Vzpostavitev podatkovnih prostorov za pametne skupnosti, ki ga v okviru evropskega konzorcija v Sloveniji vodi Združenje za informatiko in telekomunikacije (ZIT) pri Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije v sodelovanju z IKT Horizontalno mrežo.

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  • 30.09.2023 0 Comments
    Konferenca na GZS o pomenu razvoja trajnostnih mest in skupnosti


    V petek, 29. 9. 2023 je na Gospodarski zbornici Slovenije potekal poslovno-strokovni dogodek Kako do pametnih mest?, ki je odprl številna vprašanja glede prihodnjega razvoja mest in skupnosti in kaj lahko pametna mesta prinesejo družbi.

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  • 12.01.2023 0 Comments
    Montly Insight series to learn more about data spaces

    With the DSSC Insights Series, we have the opportunity to experience the activities and scope of the Data Space Support Centre. The 2nd DSSC Insight webinar will happen on 26 January. Here you can find the agenda and registration link: 

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  • 20.10.2022 0 Comments
    New Data Space projects kicked off

    October marks the beginning of new Data Space projects on European levels: Data Spaces for Skills (DS4Skills) and Data Spaces for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities (DS4SSCC) together with the Data Space Support Centre (DSSC) projects. Slovenian ICT Association is partner in two of the projects and an associated partner in the third.

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  • Whitepaper on Smart Digital Economy - What has Open Source Gotta do with It?
    01.02.2022 - Flavio Fuart 0 Comments
    White Paper on Smart Digital Economy - What has Open Source Gotta do with it?

    ICT Innovation Netwok and Gaia-X Hub Slovenia team members have contributed to the FIWARE White Paper on Smart Digital Economy - What Has Open Source Gotta Do with It?

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  • 13.10.2021 - GXH-SI 0 Comments
    Gaia-X and European Smart Cities and Communities white paper

    A joint European Gaia-X whitepaper, coordinated by Andreja Lampe abd Gaber Terseglav from GXH-SI.

    The paper combines multiple perspectives and aims to establish a common understanding of both the Gaia-X and key local technology concepts and how they can be interrelated. It is not intended as an academic contribution, but it rather addresses city administrations, IT industry actors, EU policy makers and Gaia-X members in general.

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